Aoshima Road Warrior Interceptor

This is probably the best Interceptor model kit out there. It is made completely out of plastic; there are no resin parts. The kit is just like any other model kit you would find in a hobby store. It has excellent instructions, including paint schemes. The decal sheet is incredibly detailed and it includes the fuel gauge, tachometer, speedometer, and DinkiDi labels. Some thoughtful extras are also in the kit, such as 5 gallon gas cans, the custom passenger seat, and the spare tire. These kits are available on Ebay, going for about $50.00 dollars. Note that the model comes with an intact front end, so if you want the smashed look you'll have to do it yourself. This kit is available at Frontier Models. Check and type in 'Mad Max' in the search field.

The model is also offered at the following site:

It's going for about $32.00, so it may be cheaper to buy it there than on Ebay.

There is also a resin conversion kit available for the Aoshima Interceptor. It lets you convert the model to a Mad Max version. The conversion kit is offered here:

WARNING!!!! Two people have ordered the kit from this company, and they have yet to receive it. I would not order it from this company until they resolve the matter with those who have paid for it and received nothing. Better yet, contact the company and tell them you want to place an order, but not until they settle the bill with our fellow fans.

Conversion Kit

There was also another Aoshima Road Warrior Interceptor made. It was a special edition version, basically the same as the one currently being sold, but it had a metal supercharger. The box cover was a still photo of the opening chase scene from MMII, showing the interceptor up close in the foreground, at the point where Max is being chased and Wez jumps over the car in the background.

Aoshima Special Edition

The metal blower

Kit contents

Jacob Cummings' Aoshima Interceptor

Jacob Cummings' Second Aoshima Interceptor

Barry's Aoshima Interceptor

Miwi's Aoshima Interceptor

Doomsday74's Aoshima Interceptor

Doomsday74's Conversion Kit Aoshima Interceptor

Spaz's Aoshima Interceptor

cagman's Aoshima Interceptor

Sharky's Aoshima Interceptor

Ant's Aoshima Interceptor

Chuck Homolka's Aoshima Interceptor

Gordon Schuricht's Aoshima Interceptor

Mark Griffiths' Aoshima Interceptor

bad cop's Aoshima Interceptor

Steve C's Aoshima Interceptor

Aussie Muscle's Aoshima Interceptor

OpiateMFP's Aoshima Interceptor

Adam Anderson's Aoshima Interceptor

Adam Anderson's Second Aoshima Interceptor

SuperDave's Aoshima Interceptor

FALCON's Aoshima Interceptor

Barry Harker's Aoshima Interceptor

Mike Walton's Aoshima Interceptor