Adam Anderson's Second Aoshima Interceptor
Here is Adam Anderson's Second go at the Aoshima Interceptor. He was unable to get his hands on the resin conversion kit,
so he had to make the front piece, trunk, back seat, and pretty much everything by himself! All the pieces are mostly made
out of evergreen plastic. He also opened the hood, trunk, and doors using brass wire and tubing. The engine bay was
scratch built using many donar parts from Mustang kits. The engine is a 351; either Windsor or cleveland, but it is a
Ford engine. The front seats come from a 1987 mustang. He cut the glass for the doors, and scratch built some seat belts
for all the seats. Adam found that the upper spoiler on the roof is wrongly shaped on the kit. It was hollow so he filled
it up with epoxy putty, let it dry over the course of a night, and then cut it out with a saw and shaped it correctly. The
paint is done all with spray cans from a local hardware store. Flat black with a clear overcoat then flat black again on
the bottom half of the car.